Citrus Release Note
Citrus v1.2.8.5 ( Updated 2021-03-05)
- Four Quadrant Power. Allows users to quickly determine real and reactive power flow direction (Import, Export) in real time.
- NEC 220.87 Connected Load Survey Report. Quick way to confirm if additional load can be added to an installation, and if it conforms to NEC 220.87 regulations.
- Support ‘percentage of fundamental’ for harmonic current compliance
- Interruption graph for a graphical view of interruption events
- Option for Powerview-style text on horizontal cursors
- Harmonic average magnitude: If only V or I is selected, show only that axis.
- Prevent vertical cursor texts from crossing the right edge of the screen
- Waveform analysis tool supports new filter coefficients for harmonic correction.
- PM4 file conversion: change F-100 to F-6000 (current sensors). Any PM4 files must be converted with this version or later.
- Set expected firmware to v3.14.
- Show operating time (seconds since boot) in data file device info.
- Add live plot to online monitor for AUX inputs plus temperature.
- Add total TPF and total DPF to online monitor and data view.
- Include device power up/power down in ‘Events’ list.
- Table/CSV export for event plots now use a timestamp format with microsecond resolution.
- Change split volts/amps to just split/combine on event capture window
- When viewing events from multiple Miro data files, mark each event with the serial number
- Support new LCD dimming feature
- Add support for second set of horizontal cursors
- Add ‘set cursor positions’ option.
- Support ‘reversed phase rotation’ option in configuration file
- Undo/Redo feature for graphs
- Covers data view, event view
- Covers zoom, title changes, text and arrow annotation changes, cursor movement
- Add ‘Escape’ closing to the following windows
- Simple text form (eg. feature list)
- Selection list form
- Generic prompts
- Log notes
- Table view
- Colour setup
- Harmonic selection
- Harmonic compliance options
- Truth table
- Cursor measurement form
- Data view tabs (except when only one tab remains)
- Configuration form (only ‘read only’ view from data file)
- Add serial number
- Option to set “data source location”
- Option to make “data source location” also be the “data source name” for PQView
- Option to use 1899-12-30 (“common usage”) as the base date instead of 1900-01-01 as per standard.
- Include a custom tag in the file indicating which base date is used.
- Make this the default.
- Increment ‘export settings’ version
- Unhide ‘IEC Events’ option
- Add button to load graph setup from data view in export form
- DNP3
- Add new harmonics to deadband configuration form
- Update deadband templates to include AUX
- Waveform analysis:
- Add ‘move cursors on screen’
- Add escape-key closing of measurement tabs
- Support undo/redo on measurement tabs
- Microsecond resolution for waveform analysis form exports
- Support for “ECO Three Phase”
- Channel names
- 3P Relay State records
- Current-to-voltage channel mapping
- Increase maximum alarm current to 6550 Amps
- NEC 220.87 Connected Load Survey Report. Quick way to confirm if additional load can be added to an installation, and if it conforms to NEC 220.87 regulations.