Miro Aux

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The Miro Auxiliary I/O Module is a peripheral device that connects to the Miro range of products to augment existing input channels with additional input and output channels (I/O) to expand the applicability of the Miro instruments. This facilitates easy and straightforward monitoring of assets at a fraction of the cost, compared to dedicated, standalone systems. A typical application would be condition monitoring of transformers where transformer condition monitoring measurements, e.g. hydrogen and moisture in oil measurements can monitored, together with power quality measurements.

The system can accommodate multiple channels, which can be a combination of analogue and digital inputs and outputs.

Using Citrus, CHK PQ’s proprietary software, logged data from all I/O channels can be displayed together with Power Quality metrics, enabling the user to easily draw correlation amongst measurements.

Key Features

  • High dielectric withstand of 10kV DC, allows operation in harsh environments, e.g. transmission substations.
  • Modular card system allows mulitple combinations of I/O options to suit the application.
  • All external inputs can be correlated to PQ metrics with identical time stamp.
  • Logic tables allows setting up of exceedances and generation of outputs.
  • Faciltates integrating of external inputs with PQ metris, thereby avoiding expensive standalone systems.

Technical Information

Please download the brochure/datasheet for the Miro Auxiliary I/O Module here or visit our download centre to view and download datasheets, firmware, software and other supporting information for all our products.