Mirrin Load Logger
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The Mirrin Multi Channel Load Logger (MLL) is a battery powered instrument that measures AC RMS load current on up to four channels. It is ideal for monitoring loads on transformers, motors, and switchboards and helps identify load profiles or trends and can be used to identify slow changing events such as long duration interruptions and outages.
The MLL is also useful as a diagnostic tool to assess load sharing on single phase circuits and load balancing on three phase systems.
The MLL incorporates a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which shows the maximum current measurement logged in each channel, together with the date and time stamp and is therefore ideal for use as a Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI). One Mirrin Load Logger can replace the three electromechanical MDIs that are normally used on padmount or pole top transformers. The maximum current reading is based on the instantaneous readings with a sixty-second exponential time constant.
The MLL is generally asleep and wakes up four times a second and takes a measurement by sampling the input. The aggregated measurements are committed to memory (logged). Battery life is normally four months and can be extended to twelve months when used in the ‘power saving’ mode.
The Mirrin Load Logger is designed specifically for Electrical Distribution businesses to measure and monitor load and maximum demand currents in electrical networks. They are an integral part of an Electrical Distribution business to monitor and track the loading on its assets, so that maintenance, operation and network planning activities can be optimised.
The Mirrin Load logger is housed in an IP65 rated, polycarbonate weatherproof box and can be mounted using the provided backplate and magnetic feet. A soft rubber holster provides impact resistance. Real time readings can be viewed using WIFI and the Citrus Lite app (available in Android and iOS versions). Users can download data and configure the unit using WIFI or via the communications port.
Key Features
- Logs four currents (standard) and two temperatures (optional).
- Customisable NEC 220.87 automatic report generation tool for connected load surveys and load studies.
- Logged data: RMS currents for phases A, B, C and Neutral; current THD for phases A, B, C and Neutral; and two temperatures.
- Current sensors comply with CAT IV 600V. Can be used with iron core clamp on CTs or Rogowski coils (Flex CTs)
- Programmable logging interval, from 1 to 3600 seconds.
- Programmable alarms for current and temperature channels. Alarm events listed in a table.
- Over ten years memory at ten-minute logging interval (internal SD card included).
- Displays load current, maximum demand, temperature and maximum temperature with a date and time stamp for each channel.
- Battery (rechargeable) operated, with power saving mode to extend battery life.
- Powered by integrated rechargeable battery. Alternatively, it can be powered up using an external DC battery, DC power adaptor, solar panel, or USB port.
Technical Information
Please download the brochure/datasheet for the Mirrin Load Logger here or visit our download centre to view and download datasheets, firmware, software and other supporting information for all our products.